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Coach Anna Claire Clouds Fucks Her Black Players

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Coach Anna Claire Clouds Fucks Her Black Players
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Anna is coaching her football team and they are losing badly all season. She tells them how bad they are doing and asks them how come they can't SCORE at all??? What's wrong? Do they not have any motivation? Can't they keep their Eye on the Ball? Prince tells her 'Well there is kind of a problem with that, everytime you are on the side lines you are always wearing really tight outfits and it's hard to keep our eyes on the ball and the game.' She says 'WAIT a minute, you mean that the reason you guys aren't scoring is you wanna SCORE with me?' She thinks a minute and says, 'I know just the motivation this team needs to Score for me and Win a game.' She has them all crowd around her in a huddle like she's going to do a cheer and then takes off her shirt and has them put their hands on her chest instead of in the center of the circle and says 'I'm going to make sure you guys SCORE with me so you can SCORE on the field too!' Then Crazy BBG sex follows with lots of PTM and after all the pop shots she tells them 'Great job! Now you'll have no problem scoring, everytime you win a game, you get to score all my holes as well!'

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