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Vanessa Vega Cuckolds Pitiful Hubby With Be Strong Black Man

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Vanessa Vega Cuckolds Pitiful Hubby With Be Strong Black Man
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Joel comes home very upset looking for his wife. Earlier they had gone to his mother's funeral and she just up and left. Angry and hurt he soon hears her happy voice coming in the front door with a huge stranger. As any husband should be, Joel is rightfully upset and demands to know how she could disappear on him during this most painful of weeks. Especially at his mothers funeral when all of the family and friends were around. Unfortunately for Joel, his wife immediately lets him know what she thinks of his mother and furthermore she brought home the large man to fuck her. Not only fuck her but do it right in front of him and there is not one damn thing Joel could do. Except cry. Joel likes to cry a lot as his entire life has truly gone to -Censored- as he is -Censored- by this wife of his constantly. She enjoys torturing the little turd and pulls out the strangers massive black mamba and starts sucking on it. One day she will figure out why she cums so much harder when her husband cries but for the meantime she just knows it feels good. His tears are the lube that wets her cunt walls. She gets her dripping wet pussy and pouting pink brownie maker pounded all over the place as her husband gets an amazing view with a cock literally inches from his mouth. What sick kind of man did his wife pick up at the bar? Why does Joel deserve this? What did he ever do in a former life to be subjected to such degradation? Who knows but unfortunately for Joel a cuck never has a good day. Squirting and writhing like a wild boar his wife flops around squirting and cumming hard off that gigantic hole blaster. Soon she gets a face full of cum and Joel is left to stare in horror.

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