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Carmela Clutch gets some BBC gloryhole style

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Carmela Clutch gets some BBC gloryhole style
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Carmela is out on the prowl with her Big Dick Detecting Booty. She loves to dance too so she heads down to the club to get her groove on. Usually at least half way through the night at least she will back up on just the right big dick and then zero in. But tonight there was none. Carmela is not one to go without Big Dick, so she slides right down the street to the Glory Hole at the back of the bar. The Hole never fails to give her just what she wants in the biggest sizes they come in. She drools so fast as soon as her mouth is on the cock. A puddle on herself and on the floor around her knees. No lube needed when she backs up on it and the walls start shaking. Another round of milking and fucking the cock and it finally starts to explode. Carmela locks her lips around the dick so as to not miss a drop. Finally gargling with her prize. Another Slut Satisfied.

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